Exceptional dinners supporting an incredible cause! When you join us at an Experience Dinner, you get an intimate look at our talented chefs and our mission — all while savoring some of South Florida’s best food. You won’t find another dining experience that comes close to this!
Upcoming Experience Dinners & Special Events
Friday, March 28 — Curious About Curry
Thursday, April 10 — Fin-Tastic Seafood Feast
The Chefs Table
Each Experience Dinner allows you to immerse yourself in exquisite dining encounters, paired with the perfect beer or wine as you embark on a gastronomic journey that tantalizes your taste buds through a carefully crafted progression of courses, each contributing to a full-fledged sensory delight.
Let’s Get Started & Chat
For more information about how Arc Culinary can be part of your next event, please contact us or call us at 954.299.7515.